It was a beautiful morning and my sister and I did a walk around the complex, stopping at the waterfall by one of the many pools. We were on an errand: we stopped at the sundry store to pick up a few items, then parted ways to get ready for the day. Her last comment:
”Don’t forget your coupon book!”
Most hotels or condos give out these books to offer discounts to their customers, which, of course, encourages them to use the facilities. We’d decided to go to the multiplex and one of the coupons offered free popcorn but I had to buy a drink. Okay, that’s fair.
The multiplex is on the second floor of the casino, next to the bingo room, the bowling alley and the Krispy Kreme franchise. It seemed more elaborate than the movie theaters at home. There were huge interactive billboards advertising the new movies. Guess everything is more elaborate in Las Vegas.
My brother-in-law was getting interactive with the billboard. Oh, dear..sometimes he has to be watched.
Fortunately, it was not a busy time since we’d chosen an afternoon movie, so I was able to navigate myself through the drinks section without too much of a learning curve. Everything was on a touch screen: what kind of a drink do I want..sugar-free? Yes. Cola? Yes. Coke Zero? Yes. Glad I didn’t have a line of people behind me. I felt like I was a hick from the sticks. It’s not that I don’t go to the movies. I’m a frequent movie-goer but these devices were new to me.
My sister warned me NOT to pull out the free popcorn coupon. The rule is that the vendor must do that, so I put down my coupon book gingerly, turned it to the appropriate page, and the clerk pulled it out for me.
We three entered the huge movie theater and stopped at the handicapped row. My brother-in-law rented a scooter for the Las Vegas vacation, which has been very convenient, but a decision had to be made: stay in the scooter or sit in one of the chairs? I decided to stay out of the way and sit in the row behind them in a non-handicapped seat so they could sort out this decision before the movie began. Navigating the scooter and moving into a regular handicapped seat took a while
The movie was a long one – over three hours – and the special effects were impressive on the huge screen. It was enjoyable even though I don’t normally like science fiction. It had had good reviews and I thought it was worth my time.
Back outside at the casino it was time for another coupon: my free $20. I did not get cash but I signed up for the “club”and the money was put on a credit card. I have played slot machines in recent years, but it took a brief refresher course to jog my memory. I decided to only bet $5 at a time and I could always cash out if I didn’t like the machine. I ended up playing three machines until I found one I liked. At the third machine, I happily cashed out with $16.45 and I still have $5 on my card. I won $1.45 so far, and it’s their money.
We decided it was time for dinner, so we went to the seafood restaurant and splurged on crabs’ legs along with a lobster roll for me and clam chowder for my sister. The Pinot Grigio I ordered went nicely with the seafood. Although we all shared the crab, Ed cleaned it up. He was a happy camper and he put on his sunglasses to show his delight. I’m not sure why he does this – Joe Cool? We all have our quirks.
I walked across the casino and got one cup of coffee ice cream with chocolate sauce. Ed joined me and helped me eat it then Beatrice joined us, after playing off her 85 cent cash out credit. We’re a big spender family!
We had one small detour to charge up the scooter so we could get home, then headed back to get ready for one more day of fun and frolic in Sin City.
Its now Friday morning and our last full day. We have lunch scheduled at the Mexican restaurant, some gambling and pool time, and evening entertainment by pianist Wes Winters in the showroom. He is their favorite act so I’m looking forward to hearing him sing and play.
And I won’t forget my coupon book for my free Marguerita at the Mexican restaurant…or my free money!