Sitting in the Saint Mary’s College tent

Where is Saint Mary’s and why am in a tent?

No, it’s not the circus, but it IS a circus in many ways. People are coming and going, fighting for space, and some have taken up residence as their home-away-from-home office. Students are offering flashlights, lanterns, food and drink. There is a line outside. People aren’t giving up their seats or charging stations. After all, there’s free WiFi in a land without power.

Saint Mary’s is my local college, a few miles down the road, famous for its basketball team and now a haven for those of us who are victims of the firestorms that have been engulfing our state.

The good news: our houses have not burned.

The bad news: we haven’t had power since Saturday.

I’m writing because this is just an example of the best laid plans don’t always work out as we’d like them to work out.

I’ll be sending out a post shortly – when the lights come back on – about a few days recently spent in Los Angeles and the Palm Springs area. It was a great mini vacation and will give you a glimpse of a wonderful area of California.

I’m also packing to leave on a very big journey soon, which will take me to Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, then back to Hawaii. It’s not so easy to pack in the dark but I’m taking advantage of daylight as much as I can. I gathered my socks this morning, and when I get home, I’ll work on other items of clothing.

This year hasn’t been a big travel year for me, since Life interfered with some of my plans. I underwent surgery for a benign tumor and lost twenty pounds over night – instant spa! All is well on that front. I was also caregiver to a dear friend who lost his battle with cancer in the summer. Both events deeply affected any travel plans I might have had.

Now, healthy and hearty, though a little bit sad, I am ready to get back on the road.

Are you ready to join me?