I felt a little queasy and nauseous yesterday even though we all have been taking precautions in our food choices. I didn’t eat dinner and got sick about midnight. I had tea and toast for breakfast and only did the first part of the morning walking tour. I’m glad I did

Within a three minute walk from the hotel is St Andrews, and even though it is Anglican and part of the diocese of Gibralter, eight miles across the Mediterranean, it is a very ecumenical congregation. The graveyard is filled with expats who spent their lives here.

We signed the condolence book for Queen Elizabeth.
I went back to the hotel to rest for an hour while the others walked in the area. I was picked up by the van driver at noon and took some great pictures from the van.. We met up with the others and went to the train station.

I wish that I’d taken more pictures of the inside of the station because it was ultra modern, with lots of restaurants, including McDonald’s and Starbuck’s. Ann and I joined Mostafa for lunch. I had mint tea and a cheese sandwich.

Our train trip took an hour and a half and then we were in Rabat. Our van driver drove the luggage. His drive took four hours.

We are picked up by our driver with our luggage and go to the centrally located Le Diwan hotel We meet in the lobby for a stroll of the neighborhood

We meet up with some young Moroccan kids who discuss with us life in the country and hopes for the future About the king, one says, ” He’s better than the last one!”

We return to our hotel to unpack, rest up a bit and prepare for dinner. I’m eating lightly.

I didn’t photograph the main course fish dish. I ate only a little bit of it. We didn’t eat the fruit and the soup was a puréed vegetable. The almond cake was delicious but rich so I only had a few bites.
Six more travelers arrived for our main tour which officially begins tomorrow. Two are from Colorado and four are from New Mexico but they’re not traveling together. We will do our tour of Rabat tomorrow and have our welcome dinner at a fancy restaurant in the kasbah.
More to come

I hope you will feel better soon. It is difficult to recuperate while you are far away from home.
Looking good. How long is the tour ?
Oh, Karen, how are you now? I’m concerned!
The buildings with the murals are interesting … last photo one reminds me of Carmona in Spain on our trip there. Ann looks quite serious with the young males :-). Am glad your stomach problems ended so that you can enjoy more of the food, but be careful. (Ed would want to go to the MacDonald’s.)
so delightful to travel with you
Thank you for the invitation