Moving along..

At the last post I mentioned that we were invited to a cocktail party hosted by our two instructors Giles Ramsay and Spencer Jones from the Churchill group . It was quite an affair. It was fun to mix and mingle and get some insights into each group.

I wore the same dress that I wore to the red and gold gala night and had an Apero Spritz, which matched my dress. I hope that I don’t look like a refugee from a ethnic folk dance group. The gold elephant purse was a gift from my nephew, who brought it back from a trip to Thailand. I still look sleep deprived. More on that later.

Kevin, our tour coordinator is a hoot. He keeps the group organized and laughing.

Our instructor Giles is to my right and behind us is Campbell Simpson, the nightly pianist at the Commodore Club

After dinner, we spent our time watching the dancing couples in the Queen’s Room and finished off the evening listening to Campbell at the Commodore Club. He is a very talented artist and seems to play effortlessly without music.

Wednesday we had class as usual and we had a light meal at the Carinthia Lounge while listening to piano music. It was also a nice place to read.
After lunch, we played music trivia, but, unfortunately, we didn’t know most of the music! We did identify “ Venus,” by Frankie Avalon and “ Rocket Man” by Elton John.

We checked out the indoor pool but it was crowded with too many people, so we sat a while and read but didn’t go in. We returned to our stateroom to get ready for dinner.

We really enjoyed the main show, Dana Monique. She was one of the semi finalists on the TV show The Voice and had a dynamic show. The house was packed and the audience went wild. Two of her songs I especially enjoyed were “At Last” and “ Proud Mary.”

Today we ate at the main dining room but didn’t allow ourselves enough time. We did make it to class on time but it was a rushed meal. . I had my hair done at the beauty salon right after class and we went to the traditional tea at 3:30 with the waiters making a grand entrance with their teapots. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture. We had a lovely conversation with a young couple from San Jose. They managed to snag a deal, getting a stateroom that made their trip cheaper than buying an airline ticket! They quit their jobs and will be traveling for one month with a backpack each!

We listened to a lecture after tea about L.S. Lowry, an artist whose work was being displayed at the gallery. After dinner the nightly show had the dancers doing the “ Rhythms of the Night,” with tango, salsa, cha cha and other latin dance moves. Fun!

We have lost an hour almost every night of our journey, which means we are in a constant struggle with jet lag. Sleeping doesn’t come easy at night but we try to stay up during the day so we can sleep at night. This plan doesn’t always work; we both fell asleep in the middle of the art lecture today

It’s almost 2:00 AM.

More news tomorrow. It’s our Masquerade Ball night! Will someone come as the Phantom of the Opera?

Tune in to find out.

2 thoughts on “Moving along..”

  1. Dear Karen,
    Thank you for the details of your interesting travel. You wake early in the morning!

    1. Actually, we did have a schedule since we had to be in class at 10 and I managed to fit the writing into my time schedule. Sometimes I stayed up late, not going to sleep before 1:00 AM. I am home now, so I can sleep and recuperate.

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