The name of this city evokes the exotic Come with me to the kasbah! Or is that Algiers?
Our journey began this morning as we climbed in our trusty van and rode through the town of Chefchaouen. The modern city has people going through their daily routine. The little girl is waiting fot her ride to school.

Note to family: yes, there’s a soft drink called Hawai and it’s actually quite tasty..

We are definitely looking at a country in transition, as spacious new roads replace the old, yet there are still people who walk or ride a donkey to work.
This third world country is in the process of development and today’s journey took us to the other extreme: the super rich.

Who are the super rich of Morocco? According to Mostafa, they are politicians and drug dealers. As we drove along the coast, the villas reminded me of the posh estates on Maui or the Big Island.

We stop to see a very new and modern container port, where cars from France are brought to Morocco. Mostafa is delighted at the progress of his country.

We eat a late lunch at a lovely restaurant with seaside views.

We arrive in Tangiers and do a driving tour of the city. This is the spot where the Mediterranean sea meets the Atlantic Ocean!

We check into our hotel, which suffered through the pandemic but has a great bathroom, wonderful shower, very comfortable bed and a large balcony with a view!

And as night falls, this weary traveler settles in to rest up for another day. Tomorrow we travel by train to Rabat and we eight travelers join up with six others on the main tour. Our pre-tour has ended .
That’s some pre-tour, Karen.
Again, the colors are fantastic.
Yes, I’m so glad I took the pre- tour along with the main trip.
Hawaii in a can! How funny !! Hope you tasted it. Every Sunday, in our newspaper, there are photos of “Hawaii Around the World.” Canned Hawaii would certainly apply! Photos are lovely, as always and very interesting …. the rich get richer, it seems.