The last time I wrote, I was offered a job I couldn’t refuse: cat sitting in Paris!
Since then, I visited my family on Hawaii twice, once over the holidays and once to celebrate birthdays in July but didn’t post any photos because it was essentially a trip to visit family, not a vacation.

I’m currently preparing for a longer trip which has been on the schedule for two years. I postponed it because of Covid. It was originally a solo trip but my friend Ann from England decided to join me. She and I traveled to Umbria and Tuscany together with Overseas Adventure Travels and she joined me for a few days in Paris. I’m happy she will join me on this adventure!

The chosen trip is another adventure with Overseas Adventure Travel. I’m flying to London to meet her and we will continue on our journey together after a couple of days decompressing in London. We have no specific plans.
I’m flying into HEATHROW, you ask? It seems that whenever I mention this fact, I’m greeted with a grimace. That’s a terrible airport. I know. I know about its reputation for losing luggage. I’ll pack extra clothes in my carry on and hope for the best. I’ll embellish my luggage so it is unique and easy to find and add my hotel in London as an extra luggage tag
I don’t know if it’s the inevitability of growing older, but planning for a trip like this, consisting of many days in different accomodations, seems to take much longer than it used to and I can no longer throw some things in a suitcase and take off. My ”to do” list this time was very long.
When did I start taking vitamins? Are they that important? I now take blood pressure medications so I had to make sure I had enough to see me through the trip, be sure to carry the original bottles, and I had to consult a travel nurse for possible vaccines. As it turned out, I had to get Hep A, Hep B and Typhoid Fever vaccines. i am up to date on Covid vaccines and fully vaxxed and boosted. I’ve been very cautious and lucky not to get Covid. Fingers crossed my luck continues. I was told to carry a picture of my pills and prescriptions ”just in case.” We’re not going to Russia but still we have to be careful instead of carefree travelers.
I wish we weren’t so hooked to our devices but we are: my iPhone is not only my phone and internet but my only camera and my lifeline to the outside world. My phone is new but my iPad is not, which is why it’s taking forever to type this post. I am very careful about not flashing my phone around and I will be wearing a travel vest with inside pockets.
The weather will be quite warm in some places and we will be in “ tented luxury accomodations” for two nights WITHOUT ELECTRICITY. I spent a great deal of time researching “power banks” and ” portable batteries” for my devices and have one of each. Since I didn’t grow up in the world of computers, it took me time to ascertain which plug goes into which hole with which cord. I know that this will be among the most picturesque parts of the tour, so I don’t want a dead camera. I have never been a happy camper so this experience will be a challenge.
I will be posting when I can, depending on internet access and free time.
If you have any pre- trip tips, I would appreciate them.
Looking forward to my next adventure… I think !
How exciting for you! Can’t wait to see all your photos. Take care, be safe and stay Covid free.
P.S. I want to cat 🐈 sit or dog 🐕 sit in Paris!!!! Paris is on my bucket list if I don’t kick it first
Excited to be part of another one of your trips. I hear such good things about OAT trips.
Use a shower cap to hold all your makeup. It’s so easy to lift out of your bag, put it on the counter, and then back into your bag. It keeps things together and is easy to use. I bought one that is made like a shower cap to include a draw string. Best investment ever. It keeps all those small things together and easy to find.
Great idea. I will use a shower cap and add some ribbon.
Heathrow is a large airport that used to be very organized before this summer with large number of post Covid travelers plus lack of personnel on the ground.
If you have a non stop flight I would not worry. Those with connecting flights may have had issues with luggage. My DIL flew Atlanta to London direct in July and everything went well and fast.
Regarding phone limit number of photos you take and do not review them.
You don’t need to take vitamins when you travel. Drink orange juice and eat veggies. Morocco is a safe country for food.
Re. Pills nobody questions them unless they are narcotics.
Buy a djellaba when you arrive, it’s light and comfortable.
Don’t wear shorts.
I’ve transited Heathrow many times, but not recently. I’ve learned from experience to add clothing to carry on. Losing luggage en route home isn’t as traumatic as it is at the beginning of a trip. Vitamins have become more important for me during Covid, especially C, D3 and multivitamin. I’ll probably eat healthier there than I do at home! No one has questioned pills in the past but other friends have urged caution. I cut back on many. Great idea about getting native clothing when I’m there! Thanks for posting. You’re such a good source for ideas. Hugs to Monsieur Diego!
Leaving U.S. “when” ? I’m always interested in your treks across the Atlantic. (friend of Bea)
I’m leaving fairly soon but hesitant to give exact date or location. You’ll hear from me. The trip is in September. I’m testing the site to make sure things work. I noticed that my photos are missing when I check the site on my email, but they’re present when I read the post on my iPad. Hmmm. What’s up with THAT?!
Bon Voyage et prenez garde!!
You are an amazing traveler! My great adventure is finding the powder room light switch during the night.
I have the same problem. I’ll take a big flashlight.
Karen, you are prepared with your flashlight!
Hi Karen!
How nice you’re traveling again.
I will enjoy reading about your adventures as you travel to interesting places.
Jerry’s son Trey was in Europe this summer and mentioned portable lightweight batteries for his devices.
This is my take on bringing medication EVEN vitamins, do have them in the original bottle and current bottle (in other words, don’t put some in an outdated bottle). My thoughts come from traveling (long time ago) to Europe, but currently having worked in the pharmacy.
It does take more effort to “get it together ” when traveling or just visiting a friend for a week. We have more things to take and (at least with me) I can get a smidgen forgetful, haha 😄
Anyway Karen
You’re probably at your destination already 🤣
I’m packing now. It takes me several days to accept and reject items. Someday I’ll carry an almost empty suitcase and buy clothes on the road – go native!
Buying clothes as you go sounds good!
Have a fun safe trip karen 😘