Yes, this is a Tasmania Devil. We cavorted with kangaroos and met this shy devil and some pretty birds on my birthday at the wildlife sanctuary. It was a lovely day…but that was a while ago..
Three days have passed since my birthday and we’ve been on the ship, in a dead zone between Australia and New Zealand. Everyone had to give up their dependence on media. We had two sea days, followed by a guided tour of Milford Sound and Fjordland National Park today. The scenery was dramatic, to say the least. Getting an upgrade to a balcony worked out well today, since it was much easier seeing the scenery at 6:00 AM from our room than on deck!
Ship life is fun! We enjoy playing trivia in the afternoon and going from one musical venue to the other in the evening. The five young people in the Lincoln Center Stage shows are impressive for their talent and musicianship; they play two shows a day. There are two violinists, one cellist, a violist and a pianist, all classically educated – two from Juilliard. My sister and I are smitten by the darling duo piano player guys whose repartee and timing are impeccable. They play the Billboard hits from various decades and encourage sing-a-longs which gets everyone involved. The BB King group plays the R&B hits from Memphis with verve and panache, and with lots of dancers participating. All groups are very well attended and there’s standing room only unless we arrive early.
And, of course, there’s the food. We’re trying to curb our tendency to gluttony by concentrating on natural foods: fruit and yogurt in the morning and bourbon and rye in the evening. Just kidding…🥂🍸
Tomorrow: Dunedin, New Zealand.
celebrated birthday in Dec…my usual tardiness
Love those pink or red? ears. Sounds like a fun Bday. I never experienced such great entertainment aboard ship. Still “digging out” here. Should have let you bully me into purging more clothes!! & other things! J.r
Milford Sound is incredibly beautiful. So glad you went there. It appears you are having a wonderful trip, with more fun to follow! It looks pretty cool down there – I remember it being cold in Dunedin in the middle of summer. Please ask Bea to be sure to make contact with Jan – she has important info. for her. Not a problem, but traffic issues around your hotel she needs to work out with you. Please bring me a little Joey-roo!!! xxxxx
I’ll be sure to tell her to contact Jan. Looking forward to meeting her. The weather was warmer than anticipated and the flowers are gorgeous! Afraid your Joey-roo might not make it on the plane. Sorry about that!
This sounds like so much more fun than I ever had thought a cruise would be. So right now, considering what to do to improve Richard’s balance and ability to walk, I am just a little jealous.
Do enjoy your time, also with your sister, just one question. Does the Tasmania devil really have red ears?
Yes, the devil does have red ears! Apparently they can be vicious. Glad you’re enjoying our adventures, and, yes, the cruise IS FUN! It’s great to see such talented young people on stage. They have such energy!